Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Shin In Kyun Advocates Preemptive Strikes on North Korea After Ultimatum

(Source- Shin In Kyun Defense Daily December 11) The conditions for attack on North Korea are being provided. "...or we can assassinate (Kim) like Osama bin Laden and get rid of the situation that way."

If it wasn't clear earlier why "defense analyst" Shin In Kyun no longer appears on Channel A News Program Top Ten which regularly makes presentations on defense and foreign policy issues related to Korea, this December 11, podcast of his National Defense TV program on youtube justifies his ostracism from mainstream media in South Korea. In a recent broadcast before this one, Shin claimed he was unjustifiably discontinued from Channel A News appearances because of his political views, and made the case that he is being blacklisted by mainstream broadcasting in South Korea in violation of his free speech rights.

After giving the litany of human rights abuses in North Korea and the recent justification for the US Treasury Department's sanctions just imposed on three leading figures in the North Korean regime, Shin goes on to advocate that the US present an ultimatum to Kim Jong Un, demanding a complete list of nuclear weapons and facilities and a schedule for eliminating them. After the US demand is refused, he suggests that B1 bombers be used, first to eliminate the air defense network of North Korea with so called "precision strikes," and then with another precision strike, carry out a decapitation mission to kill Kim Jong Un. If Kim is not killed, then US special forces should be sent into North Korea, to capture or kill Kim, in the style of Saddam Hussein, or Osama bin Laden missions in previous US wars. It's interesting that Shin doesn't refer to one of his prior broadcasts in which he states that GPS navigation can be denied by North Korean electronic counter measures, and that "precision guidance" may not available to US bombers and that they might have to rely on dead reckoning navigation and gravity bomb strikes, specifically B-61-12 nuclear weapons.

This extremist presentation, advocating war, fails to address the problem of the impact on South Korea, or how many Koreans generally, or Americans living or stationed in Seoul or the region, would be killed, during his recommended war. This represents Shin In Kyun in his true character as a provocateur hoping to get a particular reaction from North Korea, specifically, a reaction which discourages negotiations and a peaceful settlement of the national security issues and other issues dividing the Koreas, and threatens the region with a disastrous conflagration. One can't help noticing that the youtube podcast included an advertisement for Boeing.

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