Sunday, April 28, 2024

Song of Hope 희망가

희망가 | 국악 버전 Song of Hope AYAGEUM

이 풍진 세상을 만났으니
너의 희망이 무엇이냐
부귀와 영화를 누렸으면
희망이 족할까
푸른 하늘 밝은 달 아래 곰곰이 생각하니
세상만사가 춘몽 중에
또다시 꿈 같도다

이 풍진 세상을 만났으니
너의 희망이 무엇이냐
부귀와 영화를 누렸으면
희망이 족할까

담소화락에 엄벙덤벙
주색잡기에 침몰하랴
세상만사를 잊었으면
희망이 족할까
세상만사를 잊었으면
희망이 족할까

Upon encountering this world of trouble,
what of your hope?
If you enjoyed wealth and fame,
Would your hope be enough?
Under the bright moon in an azure sky,
Carefully wondering
Everything in this world amidst spring's spell,
seems again, like a dream.

Upon meeting this world of troubles,
what of your hope?
If you enjoyed wealth and glory,
will your hope be enough?
(Spring on East Mountain, seems like a dream
Even if I live a life of a hundred years, In the morning, it's shrounded in mist.) (Lee Son-hee version)*

Would you lose yourself In light banter and pleasantries
seek gratification in game, drink and sensuality?
If you immersed yourself in worldly things,
Would your hope be satisfied??

Upon encountering this world of trouble,
what of your hope?
If you enjoyed wealth and fame,
Would your hope be satisfied?

*Lyrics can vary by performers

With some help, found this entry below right away. I let chrome do the computer translation of the summary/overview below. I left what I consider at least one mistake in their translation; this rubella world (이 풍진 세상) doesn't seem appropriate:

A classic popular song that was released in Korea in 1921 and became very popular in the 1930s . The original song is 'Love Divine', based on an English dance song, and included in American Jeremiah Ingalls' 1805 hymn collection (The Christian Harmony). The hymn is titled 'Garden Hymn' or ' The Lord into His Garden Comes '. It is widely known.

This song was introduced to Japan in 1910, and a female teacher named Misumi Suzuko (三角錫子) added her own poem to the song to commemorate female students from her school who died in a boat capsize accident, calling it "The Roots of Pure White Mt. Fuji " (眞白き富士). It is a requiem song calledの根), sung by four students at the school at their memorial service.[1] Song selected for The Absolute Sound 2022

In Korea, in 1910, Lim Hak-cheon, a Christian believer, wrote the lyrics with the lyrics below, titled This Rubella World, and was composed by two folk singers, Park Chae-seon and Lee Ryu-saek.[2] was announced in 1921. It was introduced under various titles in several sheet music books. It was sung by many musicians, singers, and folk singers at the time and spread as a popular song, and the titles of original lament songs such as 'Prodigal Son' were changed to 'Hope Song'. In particular, it became widely known as the record of Korea's first popular singer, Chae Gyu-yeop, in 1930

In fact, this song did not have a unified title. Accordingly, it was called This Rubella World, etc., based on the first verse of the lyrics, and then came to be called . In a word, it can be seen as a folk song of the time. The lyrics are also in the link above, and since it was a popular song in the 1930s, the lyrics of the song are also really dark. It can be seen as a song about the sadness of a people without a country.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

"We must say no," Seoul Defense Chief

According to a report in South Korea's English language Hankyoreh, US unrealistic expectations of South Korea are amazingly meeting public resistance from the hard right wing ideologue Defense Minister Sin Won-sik. Seems like the US Army Pacific Commander got the idea that the powerful South Korean armed forces might be used in an actual military confrontation with China over Taiwan as they were when dictator Park Chung-hui sent ROK combat forces to South Vietnam to support the US during the Vietnam war. Good luck with that. "From September 1964 to March 1973, South Korea sent some 350,000 troops to Vietnam." wikipedia

‘We must say no’: Seoul defense chief on Korean, USFK involvement in hypothetical Taiwan crisis

The linked article really represents a public breach in the US directed US/Japan/South Korea tri-lateral partnership against China much earlier than I expected. It's definitely worth a full read. I had thought such official South Korean defense policy expressions would await Yoon exiting the presidential office.

I saw a suggestion in one of the links I cited yesterday, that Japan might be expected by the US to be made a member of the UNC. (The UN Command is not really a UN institution but historical artifact from the Korean conflict created by the allies when Russia was boycotting the Security Council). These US notions are so out of touch with the current East Asian situation, it's frightening. I remember Yoon saying at one point he could foresee circumstances when Japanese armed forces might come to South Korea. This is absurd. I don't think Kurt Campbell has any real understanding of northeast Asian geopolitical reality, although one can find him posturing as such along with various media and think tank "experts" almost daily.

Ironically, in South Korea in recent years, it has been the conservative position, that the ROK armed forces could not afford to dissipate their resources by participating in anti-China military confrontations associated with Taiwan, because the North Korean threat was too pressing. Yoon having no real experience in such matters and not a traditional South Korean conservative politician simply abandoned mainstream South Korean policy views toward Japan and China with little thought. One has to wonder whether South Korean trade losses related to semiconductors and other high tech related to decoupling or delinking (whatever the phrase du jour) are playing a role. Shin could just be going out on a limb, with President Yoon, at his own risk, in the position to disavow those views under the right US pressure.

Perhaps Shin or Yoon got some sort of indirect message from the Chinese to state his position, while the US was busy trying to intimidate China in recent weeks culminating in Blinken's visit.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Jeffrey Sachs on Kishida Speech to Congress; Asian NATO?

Yoon's party suffered a great loss in the April 10, general elections for the National Assembly. A recent Korea gallup poll showed his approval rating at 23 percent. I suppose that is better than Kishida's 16 percent. While these two do their best to alienate China, their currencies are suffering probably because their market relations with China are suffering. China is the number one trading power in Asia. I heard some cocky pro-American pundit in the Philippines trying to sell the Marcos anti-China pitch and the new US military buildup in the Philippines particularly in Luzon across from Taiwan. He cited South Korea as an example of confronting China by joining the tri-lateral partnership with Japan and the US and doing well. News bulletin to the Philippines, South Korea isn't "doing well." In fact, Yoon presiding over a crashing economy and a currency dropping like a stone, along with his popularity, requested his principal ministers and presidential officials to resign, except those in the national security sector (go figure - these are the pro-US insiders directing the US Indo-Pacific agenda). This is ironic in that the National Security Advisors office is suspected of interfering in the defense ministry's independent legal investigation of the drowning death of marine corporal Choi last year. This pretty much fits within Yoon's MO of interfering in investigations whenever he takes a mind to. Some pundits suggest this scandal, which included sending the former defense minister to Australia as ambassador to get him out of the country, quickly, could be one thread leading to Yoon's undoing. Obviously the Yoon "vegetable administration" is in panic mode.

Guess what? Yoon is having a problem getting conservatives to come forward to volunteer to take these posts. So someone allegedly (probably Yoon's wife, the problematic first lady) suggested democrats take the two most important posts, including Prime Minister and Chief of Staff. The rumor was denied by the presidential office. Next, Yoon proposed a meeting with democratic party leader Lee Jae-myung in a five minute phone call Friday. Lee, who directed his party's landslide victory in the Assembly elections, is invited by Yoon to meet with him, to recommend ministers, presidential office staff, etc., as well as policies to deal with current domestic crises. Yoon has never met with the opposition leader of the majority party in the national assembly during the two years thus far of his administration. So now that his dysfunctional administration is virtually paralyzed, Yoon wants the opposition leader he is still trying to put in prison, and has been trying to put in prison for years, to come forward with his party, to solve Yoon's political and economic crises. Yoon has run out of other people to blame for his series of political blunders, so he wants the democrats to come forward so they can take the blame for him. LOL.

The national security problem in Asia is more serious. This editorial describes the predicament of a re-arming Japan allied with the US blaming tensions there on China.

Has Korea, too, crossed the Rubicon on China?

In December 2022, the Japanese government revised three state documents regarding national defense. These revisions would allow the Japanese state to allocate 2% of its national GDP to the defense budget by the year 2027, effectively doubling the national defense budget in five years. As Takeuchi predicted, the US and Japan are cooperating on all fronts to formulate the framework for a NATO-like military alliance in East Asia. At Camp David in August of last year, the US moved to include South Korea in a trilateral alliance network. In November of last year, the leaders of the US, Japan and the Philippines held a summit in Washington, DC, where they criticized China’s aggressive behavior in the South China Sea.

In a speech addressing the US Congress last week, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio emphasized that Japan was the US’ “global partner.” On April 11 and 12, the US, South Korea and Japan conducted joint naval exercises in the East China Sea, which is directly above Taiwan. According to press releases published by the US Indo-Pacific Command and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, the exercises involved large-scale anti-submarine drills and deployed the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier and three US destroyers, Japan’s Ariake-class destroyer, and South Korea’s ROKS Seoae Ryu Seong-ryong Aegis-equipped destroyer. On April 6 and 7, the US, Japan, the Philippines and Australia conducted joint exercises in the South China Sea.

The US’ strategy is clear. The US-South Korea-Japan trilateral alliance will respond to a conflict in the Taiwan Strait while the quadrilateral alliance of the US, Japan, Australia and the Philippines will respond to any threats in the South China Sea. As the key ally backing up the US in the Indo-Pacific, Japan lies at the crux of this strategy. The US-Japan alliance is no longer just a slogan. It is now a military partnership with the ability to steer global affairs. It is also a sign that the US will make increasing demands of South Korea in the days to come.

In hindsight, it’s clear that Japan had been preparing itself to cross the Rubicon. At that point, Tokyo had already made a resolution. But what about Korea? Faced with such a colossal problem, the strategy of balanced foreign affairs and not rocking the boat are more important than ever. Yet the Yoon administration has unwittingly steered us in one direction. If we attempt to turn back now, the country will look foolish. Yet if we continue in our current trajectory, we’ll be torn apart. Between a rock and a hard place. The country is in a precarious situation.

I think I can safely predict that the results of confronting China in East Asia with a US directed, NATO like structure, ad hoc, rickety and dangerous as it appears to be, is unlikely to advance the interests of the participants. One might look to the current state of US Nato expansion efforts in Ukraine as an omen of things to come. How beneficial was that for Europe?

It was Shinzo Abe's goal to make Japan great again. I've read accounts that suggested the Indo-Pacific strategy in the South China Sea was his idea. I guess Kishida will attempt to carry out the offensive armaments buildup of Japan, without bothering to amend the constitution. The Kyodo news article tries to characterize Kishida as a "dovish moderate." What nonsense.

Added 4.24

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Compelling history-South China Sea

Cambridge PhD- "The US is lawless." Deliberately refused to resolve Chinese territorial claims against Japan after WWII. The Philippines is a US colony. France stole the Paracel and Spratly Islands. Historically the Philippines has no claim. The US, France, and UK never listened to their international law experts. The US has been trying to contain China since WWII.

Who has sovereignty over the disputed South China Sea islands? Where do the roots of the current controversy lie? One renowned scholar's relentless quest through the archives of three Western players has led to startling discoveries. Professor Anthony Carty was born in Ireland in 1948. He pursued his studies at Queen's University Belfast, University College London, and Cambridge University, where he obtained his Ph.D. From 2011 until the end of 2018, he delved into a century of archives kept by foreign affairs departments in France, the UK, and the U.S. concerning the South China Sea. He published his findings in two papers five years ago, based on which a Chinese book titled 'The History and Sovereignty of the South China Sea' was published. During an exclusive interview, Prof. Carty told Liu Xin that these governments understood the disputed islands belonged to China, but they had been bluffing for strategic reasons. "They need to be confronted."

I've cued the video to the six minute mark to start. The first six minutes is background on the scholar and where and how he worked to obtain the historical archives. Not only is this video compelling, but if you listen to whole interview, you will know more about the history of US policy in the South China Sea than any western journalist has reported to date. Western governments and media have been lying about this situation for a long time.

There is a similar provenance to US/UK/Japanese arguments against the "one china" policy allegedly the official US policy toward Taiwan. There is an argument that "title" to Taiwan was not given up by the allied powers after WWII because the San Francisco Treaty did not deal with the issue. It has actually been argued "legally" that title to Taiwan still rests with the United States. I wrote about this at the link below.

One China Policy legal review claims the Allies have title to Taiwan

The professor's interview is so important I'm concerned it will either be ignored or disappear from youtube.

— 語必忠信 行必正直

Yoon Seok-yeol - Han Dong-hun lawfare party loses general election in S. Korea

(Source-MBC live news 4.10) Democratic Party including their 13 representatives from the proportional ticket- 174 plus Cho Guk's Inovation Party with 12 proportional representatives totals 186.

PPP (conservative party) including proportional representatives- 109 representatives.

Lee Jae-myung, democratic party leader, and Cho Guk, Innovation Party leader, have been victims of sustained prosecutions from Yoon's office when he was Prosecutor General, which continued during his presidency (still 3 years left on his term of office) with Han Dong-hun as Justice Minister, and then the party leader for the conservative PPP. Lee Jae-myung had to direct party campaign efforts in between court appearances on trumped up criminal charges. The former Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae, won a seat as democratic representative. She was forced to resign after she failed to get Yoon dismissed for ethical misconduct during the Moon administration. Yoon was only suspended for two months. After his injunction was overruled by an appellate court, Yoon resigned to run for the presidency.

Notable conservatives who won seats included Ahn Chul-soo, (I regard him as an Elon Musk/ Andrew Yang type conservative) but he's always discussed as a potential presidential contender. The former PPP party leader Lee Jun-seok, was elected. He had been forced out of the PPP for receiving alleged sexual favors, after his support for Yoon resulted in Yoon's election as president. LJS ran independently and was elected. Na Kyang-won, a former floor leader in the assembly for the conservative party, won a seat. Na, a leading conservative female PPP leader is regarded as a potential presidential contender also. Yoon brushed her off after his election as president..

Lee Nak-yeon, the former democratic party prime minister under the Moon Jae-in administration, a subak (DINO), ran independently and lost.

Potentially wielding 180 votes or more on the floor of the next National Assembly, the democrats plus Cho Guk, can fast track legislation and overcome presidential vetoes filibusters. Han and Yoon and the conservative pundits are trying to spin this conservative loss positively and save Han Dong-hun's career by saying that at least the dems didn't get 200 votes. If they had they would be able to amend the constitution, override vetoes and/or initiate impeachment proceedings against Yoon unilaterally.

So Yoon is a lame duck now for the next three years. Wih any conservative defections he won't may not be able to stop any special investigation bills of the first lady, his ministers, or former ministers and prosecutors. I'm sure he will go back to only strategy he has, lawfare, trying to put opposition leaders, and other opponents of his policies in prison.

edit- MBC is now reporting 175 Democratic Party seats won, plus Cho Guk's 12 equals 187.

Note correction April 11. 200 votes needed to override presidential veto. Corrections to text noted in strikeover or italics.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Democracy Summit in Seoul- the irony

SEOUL, March 15 (Reuters) - South Korea is poised to host the third Summit for Democracy next week, taking up a U.S.-led initiative aimed at discussing ways to stop democratic backsliding and erosion of rights and freedoms worldwide.

Seoul has released few details about who will be participating, but U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will lead a delegation.

The Reuters report attempts to distract and minimize the South Korean democratic backsliding, and the obvious authoritarian inclination of the current far right Yoon administration which caters to US and Japanese foreign policy goals.

Democracy in South Korea took a step backward since Yoon took office, the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Institute at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden said in an annual report last week, citing legal cases against figures associated with the previous administration, and assaults on gender equality and freedom of expression.

Concerns about democratic backsliding in South Korea are likely overblown for the moment, and recent elections have been free, said Philip Turner, a former New Zealand ambassador to Korea.

South Korea to host third democracy summit with digital threats on agenda

This Reuters article harps on the gender equality issue, a traditional problem in South Korea, which was a factor in mobilizing the misogynist young adult male population in South Korea to vote for the reactionary Yoon Seok-yeol in the last presidential election. Yoon's platform called for dismantling the Department of Children and Families. The so called Ilbe misogynist vote of young adult South Korean male voters, frustrated by lack of opportunity, a highly competitive and class conscious job market (appa 아빠 chance), and being disadvantaged by a male only compulsive military service system, blames alleged favoritism for women in the job market for their social and economic problems. It was the Ilbe misogynist vote that put Yoon in office by a very slim margin, but their party faction led by Lee Jun-seok, the former PPP party leader, was soon disempowered after Yoon won presidential office. Lee Jun-seok was accused by the party of ethics violations, receipt of sexual favors and bribery and driven out of the party leader position. Yoon as a rigid egotistical authoritarian doesn't "share" power with anyone.

Gender discrimination is not the key "democratic backsliding" in South Korea promoted by Yoon and his party's policies. Repression of media, criminal persecution of political rivals, labor leaders, and any other civic leaders, including feminist activists, who oppose the interests of ruling elites is the true nature of the new right's frightening authoritarianism. In a recent example of abuse of power, and obstruction of justice, Yoon's former defense minister, who interfered in a military legal investigation into the death of a marine by drowning, was appointed Ambassador to Australia and hurriedly shipped out of the country despite an order from the Office to Investigate Crimes by High Public Officials that he stay within South Korea to be amenable to legal process. Obstruction of justice is a hallmark of the administration led by the former prosecutor general and the PPP conservative party leader Han Dong-hun.

This Hankyoreh column below outlines the real problem of the policies of Yoon Seok-yeol, Han Dong-hun, and other principal figures in the current PPP so called "new right" configuration:

The claims they have made are farfetched and based on leaps of logic. A basic translation of them might read thusly: “The Constitutional Court dissolved the Unified Progressive Party because they were communists. Their successors in the Progressive Party are also communists. In forging an election alliance with the Progressive Party, the Democratic Party and its leader Lee Jae-myung are likewise communists. Don’t vote for communists.”

This applies even if we consider that the Constitutional Court’s decision (blog note: in 2014) might have been justified. If a party is dissolved by a Constitutional Court decision, it becomes impossible to form a new party with an identical or similar platform (or basic policies) to the one that was dissolved. This provision in the Political Parties Act bars the formation of “substitute parties.”

If the Progressive Party is indeed the “latest incarnation” of the UPP, that means Han Dong-hoon would need to explain why he didn’t take any action on it when he was the justice minister. If he was remiss in his responsibilities as minister, that would seem to constitute dereliction of duty.

After Korea’s liberation, members of the pro-Japanese collaborators branded many democracy advocates as “commies” and had them executed. This was an ideological maneuver, a ploy to achieve dictatorial rule while covering up their own misdeeds during the occupation.

The column goes on to say that today's new right are the descendants of the pro-Japanese collaborator class. This is a key to understanding contemporary South Korea's domestic political scene. This is why statues of independence fighters must be removed from the military academy grounds, and the "bamboo spear song," must be ridiculed.

The tiresome commie witch hunt of Korea’s fake conservatives

In fact, the "new right" led by Yoon and Han, the PPP chair, intend to eliminate the leaders who emerged from opposition to the dictatorships, and their legacy.

Since becoming president, Yoon has branded a series of groups as cartels, one after another: the new and renewable energy industry, the Korean Public Service and Transport Workers’ Union; the Korean Construction Workers’ Union; the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions; sections of the establishment that oppose reform initiatives in the areas of labor, pension and education; and educational bureaucrats who are supposedly in collusion with the private education market.

In a luncheon with newly appointed vice ministers on July 3, 2023, Yoon described his administration as being “anti-cartel” and instructed the new officials to “undertake a merciless fight against vested-interest cartels.”

Yoon’s next target was “anti-state groups that blindly follow communism and totalitarianism.” That came up in a celebratory speech on Aug. 15, the anniversary of Korea’s liberation from Japanese colonial rule.

Sections of the establishment that oppose reform initiatives is code for those opposed to Yoon stripping public interest protections from the law. This is an order of magnitude expansion of Milton Friedman libertarian economics, where labor unions are special interest cartels without reference to South Korea's corporate monopoly chaebol class.
Here is how Han Dong--hun described the democratic party which forms the majority in the National Assembly:

“Since the majority party is set on preventing serious crimes from being prosecuted under the law, we must stop that party from further mischief that would wreck this country’s present and future. We must also eliminate the politics of privilege for members of the protest generation who have held sway over that party for three decades now and who attempt to bully and indoctrinate generation after generation of Koreans. We have to stop the Democratic Party under the leadership of Lee Jae-myung from ruining this country as it seeks to enrich itself in collaboration with its hardline supporters and the privileged members of the protest generation,” Han said.

The real reason for Yoon and Han’s politics of antagonism and hate

Members of the assembly elected by a majority of South Koreans are described as "privileged members of the protest generation" rather than the elected majority representing the South Korean people. Above they are characterized as "communists," here as privileged criminals. In fact, Yoon and Han with their politically motivated firings, and prosecutions of political rivals, labor and media personalities, are doing the bidding of traditional corporate chaebol elites whose interests and families thrived during the dictatorships and the earlier Japanese colonial period and who resent having to share power with the democratic opposition that wrested political and economic concessions from their privileged grasp.

Reuters, reflecting the establishment view of western power elites, says nothing to see here, it's exaggerated, blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile, the South Korean courts, unlike the partisan Public Prosecutors Offices in South Korea, know the implications of the upcoming elections, and have become politically more circumspect of late in ordering the detention and imprisonment of opposition leadership. If the Yoon/Han PPP were to win a majority in the National Assembly, their judicious demeanor will disappear overnight, lest they themselves become targets of the political prosecution machine.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Cynical New Year's Performance

A deception operation worthy of Orwell. Yoon's song is really- Give me your love warmly or go to prison. This mean spirited egotistical corrupt fool gives a propaganda performance one might expect from North Korea or other dictatorial state. A recent opposition demonstration in the street labeled him "war freak."

From JTBC-

President Yoon Seok-yeol delivered Lunar New Year greetings with a song. In the released video, President Yoon sang singer Byun Jin-seop's song 'We Need Our Love' with the Presidential Office Choir 'Warm Hands'. President Yoon's wife, First Lady Kim Kun-hee, did not participate in this Lunar New Year greeting.

Mr. Nice Guy. What a joke.

Here's the South Korean SNL parody:

"Bye, bye, Ms. American Pie..."