Monday, June 18, 2018

Missed Phone Call? Withdrawal of Long Range Artillery?

I had previously stated that removal of front line long range artillery was under consideration at the North South working level military talks at Panmunjeom. Although the South Korean ministry of defense denied this, multiple sources have reported that the issue was raised by the North at the meeting. President Moon has acknowledged that the issue might be an agenda item worthy of consideration. Perhaps what the MOD meant is that they didn't discuss it. It's a difficult issue and is probably premature at this point. I have seen the issue reported in Chosun Il bo (English web version), JTBC, and Channel A.

Today's new A Channel Top Ten upload on youtube covered the backlash in the US to Trump's decision to suspend the exercise. The Wash Post, NY Times, WSJ, the Hill, etc., are all speaking with one voice saying it was a mistake, "that he didn't tell anyone except the top three or four DOD officials," and that the rest of the DOD officials are "confused about it." The decision didn't come as a surprise to anyone who understood what Pompeo's references to CVIG, complete verifiable, irreversible, (security) guarantee meant.

The Koreans are calling it Defense Department "passing," which is a polite jibe. Admiral Harris, the administration nominee for Ambassador to South Korea, and former US Pacific Command commander, said he endorsed the suspension in joint military exercises when questioned at a recent Congressional hearing. If the South Koreans really didn't have actual notice, this is something they have been looking for, and it is welcomed in fact. There will be joint discussion on military matters with the US June 27.

Evidently, the direct phone line that Sarah Huckabee Sanders discussed with Kim Yeo Jong at the summit venue isn't up and running and Trump wasn't able to talk to Kim as he led people to believe.

Pompeo wants to get together with his counterpart in North Korea, probably General Chol again, at the earliest opportunity.

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