Thursday, June 7, 2018

CIA Assessment Sways Trump?

Okay Channel A is reporting based upon an Asahi Shin Moon (Japanese newspaper) story, that Trump's decision to meet Kim, was based upon a CIA assessment that he was attracted to western culture, affected by his education in Switzerland, and would be easier to deal with than previous North Korean leaders in negotiations. Wow, what a brilliant deduction! Dennis Rodman figured this out a few years back. What was the giveaway? The beach and ski resorts or the fact that he loves basketball?

On the other hand, that the powerful attraction of westerners for eastern culture is playing a role in this as well. The role of South Korea in propagating Korean culture internationally has played an enormous role in this development, as well as the active efforts of President Moon's administration to capitalize on South Korean media sophistication in its messaging to both the North and the US.

The idea that the CIA unlocked this possibility is an overstatement, but I'll give Pompeo credit for a certain level of intelligence if he saw the opportunity while listening to his CIA experts, and grabbed it.

It's the Lawrence of Arabia hubris lurking in the heart of westerners that is being seduced as well. So we are treated daily to the spectacle of endless politicians and pundits purporting ludicrously to be experts on negotiating with the far east. Cecil Rhodes and his "secret agents" are about to make another conquest.

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