Sunday, April 28, 2024

Song of Hope 희망가

희망가 | 국악 버전 Song of Hope AYAGEUM

이 풍진 세상을 만났으니
너의 희망이 무엇이냐
부귀와 영화를 누렸으면
희망이 족할까
푸른 하늘 밝은 달 아래 곰곰이 생각하니
세상만사가 춘몽 중에
또다시 꿈 같도다

이 풍진 세상을 만났으니
너의 희망이 무엇이냐
부귀와 영화를 누렸으면
희망이 족할까

담소화락에 엄벙덤벙
주색잡기에 침몰하랴
세상만사를 잊었으면
희망이 족할까
세상만사를 잊었으면
희망이 족할까

Upon encountering this world of trouble,
what of your hope?
If you enjoyed wealth and fame,
Would your hope be enough?
Under the bright moon in an azure sky,
Carefully wondering
Everything in this world amidst spring's spell,
seems again, like a dream.

Upon meeting this world of troubles,
what of your hope?
If you enjoyed wealth and glory,
will your hope be enough?
(Spring on East Mountain, seems like a dream
Even if I live a life of a hundred years, In the morning, it's shrounded in mist.) (Lee Son-hee version)*

Would you lose yourself In light banter and pleasantries
seek gratification in game, drink and sensuality?
If you immersed yourself in worldly things,
Would your hope be satisfied??

Upon encountering this world of trouble,
what of your hope?
If you enjoyed wealth and fame,
Would your hope be satisfied?

*Lyrics can vary by performers

With some help, found this entry below right away. I let chrome do the computer translation of the summary/overview below. I left what I consider at least one mistake in their translation; this rubella world (이 풍진 세상) doesn't seem appropriate:

A classic popular song that was released in Korea in 1921 and became very popular in the 1930s . The original song is 'Love Divine', based on an English dance song, and included in American Jeremiah Ingalls' 1805 hymn collection (The Christian Harmony). The hymn is titled 'Garden Hymn' or ' The Lord into His Garden Comes '. It is widely known.

This song was introduced to Japan in 1910, and a female teacher named Misumi Suzuko (三角錫子) added her own poem to the song to commemorate female students from her school who died in a boat capsize accident, calling it "The Roots of Pure White Mt. Fuji " (眞白き富士). It is a requiem song calledの根), sung by four students at the school at their memorial service.[1] Song selected for The Absolute Sound 2022

In Korea, in 1910, Lim Hak-cheon, a Christian believer, wrote the lyrics with the lyrics below, titled This Rubella World, and was composed by two folk singers, Park Chae-seon and Lee Ryu-saek.[2] was announced in 1921. It was introduced under various titles in several sheet music books. It was sung by many musicians, singers, and folk singers at the time and spread as a popular song, and the titles of original lament songs such as 'Prodigal Son' were changed to 'Hope Song'. In particular, it became widely known as the record of Korea's first popular singer, Chae Gyu-yeop, in 1930

In fact, this song did not have a unified title. Accordingly, it was called This Rubella World, etc., based on the first verse of the lyrics, and then came to be called . In a word, it can be seen as a folk song of the time. The lyrics are also in the link above, and since it was a popular song in the 1930s, the lyrics of the song are also really dark. It can be seen as a song about the sadness of a people without a country.

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