Thursday, March 24, 2022

While North launches ICBM, South Korea's defense establishment in turmoil

As North Korea finally breaches the substantive provisions of the UN Security Council resolution prohibiting the testing of ICBMs by North Korea, the national security establishment in South Korea is preoccupied with a domestic politiical crisis.

President elect Yoon Seok-yeol, a person with absolutely no military or foreign policy experience has thrown the Ministry of Defense and Joint Chiefs in Yongsan, Seoul, South Korea, into turmoil, in the last week, by pressuring them to get out of their long established building adjacent the old US post there. Yoon says he will definitely not move into the Blue House, and will move into the MND building with his staff on May 10, the date his term as President begins.

The Moon NSC is resisting this move, and is telling Yoon's camp that it will cause a lapse in national security readiness and a threat to the South Korean people. Yoon who seeks advice from a mystic holy man, who some say is a charlatan cult leader, insists that the Moon administration's contentions are groundless. Eleven former Joint Chiefs agree with the Moon administration resistance to the sudden and impetuous declaration by Yoon. Additionally, the move is expected to cause dispersal of military departments to locations across South Korea degrading defense readiness and emergency communications and control. Yoon during his annoucement disclosed the locations of underground bunkers on the MND grounds. There are no provisions under Korean law currently to pay for the move which is expected to cost 1 to 1.6 billion dollars. The national assembly would be required to pass a budget amendment but it is controlled by the democratic party.

(Source 열린공감TV 3.21 다시 주목받는 3년 전 천공의 용산시대 예언! 윤석열 멘토로서 그의 영향력은 어디까지? ) Teacher Cheon Gong says he isn't Yoon Seok-yeol's mentor but has been "coaching" him according to his conscience. The Yongsan era begins! How far does the mentor's influence extend?

Yoon's spiritual advisor considers Yongsan a place invested with metaphysical properties which will revitalize Korea and empower its future. Anonymous sources allegedly in the Yoon camp report that Yoon and his wife had met with "teacher" Cheon Gong whose religious organization "Right Way" is based in Yongsan near the old military garrison grounds. Cheon Gong is a you tuber with his own channel. Contrary to his followers and Yoon's protestations, the mystic leader of the syncretic religious group does believe in feng shui and make predictions about the future. Besides his belief in the mystical qualities of Yongsan real estate, Cheon foresees that Korea will be unified before 2025. Since, Yoon's relationship with the "spiritual leader" became controversial, the alleged monthly meetings are reported to have ceased. Anonymous sources allegedly within Yoon's camp report that Yoon and wife have been seen watching Cheon's youtube videos while traveling in his limo. Yoon's wife Kim Geon-hee has been recorded claiming that she also has spiritual powers.

Yoon's demand that the Ministry of National Defense and Joint Chiefs move out of the MND building is causing a constitutional crisis. Yoon has no constitutional authority as president until he takes office. One thought it would take longer for him to demonstrate his dictatorial inclinations.

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