Tuesday, March 15, 2022

비밀의 숲 Stranger, the Kdrama

Title is the Stranger in English, in Korean, the drama title is Secret Forest (as in you can't see the forest for the trees). The Stranger is a compelling drama series. Netflix with English subtitles.

This was my description of season one before the presidential election in South Korea:

I think with the 20/20 hindsight of having studied the corruption and political abuse of the administration of justice in South Korea in the last couple of years, the portrayal of that corruption, and the estrangement of any honest prosecutors from that system because they don’t “play ball,” in this 2017 drama is rather realistic. It’s just a microcosm of the much larger systemic abuses in the justice world in South Korea struggling to put their corrupt leader in power as president on March 9, 2022, to preserve their way of life at the public’s expense.

Season 2:

Even before I finished watching season 2, it was obvious that the character of Woo Tae-ha was based on the former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who is currently the president elect of South Korea. I know these dramas have the usual disclaimers about any resemblance to real characters or events are coincidental or non-intentional, but the character and his dialogue are what one might imagine. None of the events in the drama are related and are entirely fictional. The power struggle between police and prosecutors over investigative powers is a genuine major political issue in Korea politics.

Woo Tae-ha is played by Choi Moo-sung who also had a supporting role in Mr. Sunshine. His acting is excellent. His compelling performance in Noktu Flower, about the Korean Tong Hak rebellion is one of the best historical drama series I've ever seen.

The other actors in The Stranger are also outstanding. I posted this here rather than Asian group, because political comments are discouraged there. The investigation of crimes and the administration of justice in South Korea are totally political as depicted in The Stranger. Yoon's election ensures that the so called Republic of Lawyers is not over.

열린공감TV 열린공감TV 1 day ago March 12 다시한번 안내말씀 드립니다.
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Yoon is the worst thing to happen to South Korea since Chun Doo-hwan.

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