Monday, September 10, 2018

DPRK Special Forces Units Observed at the 9.9 Parade

North Korean Special Tactical Forces, decapitation strategy response?

These forces, seen in the 9.9 military review yesterday had been observed in Pyongyang last year. From the top is a new bullet resistant helmet in the "Fritz" or German style. On the helmet is a night vision device estimated to be of Russian design. The soldiers were wearing flak jackets with a digital pattern which may make forces less distinguishable from friendly South Korean forces according to a Yonhap News report. There is an improved model Bektusan automatic pistol. The soldiers in the parade were carrying the DPRK modified version of the Russian AK 74 design rifle with a shortened barrel and cylinder shaped helical high capacity magazine mounted on the stock. The helical magazine may carry 75 to 150 rounds of 5.45mm ammunition. These weapons were observed earlier in the April 2017 parade for Kim Il Sung's birthday commemoration. According to Yonhap News, the weapon was first observed being used by Kim Jong Un bodyguards in 2013. The complexity of the high capacity magazine can be a weakness operationally compared to the standard 30 magazine on the original design, and the new weapon cannot carry the grenade launcher.

New weapons carried by DPRK special forces. On the left side, soldiers carrying new model tandem warhead RPG, estimated to be able to destroy a South Korean K1 tank according to the Channel A assessment. On the right troops carrying a composite model rifle, that has a rifle plus grenade launcher capability.

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