Sunday, September 22, 2024


Japanese "defensive" exercises? Or is it to practice interdiction of Chinese lines of communication?

Koizumi, the son of a former premier (sic), is seeking to appeal to a younger generation of voters and refresh the image of the party. He has advocated for deregulation and labor market reform to give big businesses more flexibility in laying off workers — drawing criticism from other candidates.

If Koizumi wins, he may face trouble in keeping order in the LDP, which has established systems for leadership positions being held by its senior members. It has ruled Japan almost without interruption since its founding in the 1950s.

Catapult the propaganda! The admiral's tweet got me behind the Bloomberg paywall to read his neocon views. Tim Shorrock said he likely would have been Kilary's SecDef. Stavridis is probably plugging for it now.

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