Monday, July 15, 2024

Balancing the US anti-China perspective

A wounded Donald Trump and protecting Secret Service officers caught by photographers in an "Iwo Jima" like posture with the American flag.

Well, the new pro-Trump T-shirts and flags are out. The flags are already up in my neighborhood. We're living now in "Trump Nation." Biden nation has been no picnic as his administration and Congress are addicted to promoting war and a Social Darwinist (fascist) foreign policy. WWIII could break out at any time. Trump's election seems all but assured, as the heroic imagery of his defiance in the face of his putative killer(s) has been openly compared to the heroic WWII scene at Iwo-jima. This image appearing on a NY Post front page is ironic in the extreme because Trump's anti-China policies are more than likely to be in America's and even NATO's future. Yet, as James Bradley, the son of the one of the US Marines who participated in the iconic scene raising the flag at Iwo Jima, points out so well in his book, The China Image, the Hidden History of American Disaster in Asia, US perceptions of China (and Asia in general) are largely delusional.

The US anti-Chinese perspective is bi-partisan and the racist imperialism on which it is based, is second nature. The problem as many see it, is that Biden has dissipated the anti-China gestalt by becoming embroiled in a fruitless war against Russia in Ukraine.

ECONOMIC WAR: NATO Threatens to Nationalize Assets Owned by China Lena Petrova, 9 min

I watched Brian Berletic's video on the China- Philippines South China Sea dispute, a couple of days ago. The video is based on his own article at Near Eastern Outlook. This is a description of his article that he posted on his youtube channel-

"Does starting a war over a grounded WW2 ship on a submerged shoal with its largest trade partner serve the Philippines’ best interests? Or does it serve Washington’s interests at the expense of the Philippines? The SCMP article already illustrated how badly needed public infrastructure has literally been torn down in exchange for escalating tensions with the Philippines’ largest trade partner, China.

One needs not guess where this will lead the Philippines if it continues to serve US interests by escalating tensions with China because the same process is already well underway in Ukraine."

The Philippines: Why it is Choosing US Destruction Over Chinese Construction

Maritime disputes treated as minor bilateral concerns to be worked out with Beijing under President Duterte, were escalated into a growing conflict under President Marcos Jr. with US backing, meant to serve as the very pretext to cancel and literally tear down joint Chinese-Philippine projects and replace it with the expansion of the US military’s footprint across the Philippines.

Brian's related 37 minute video based on his article-

The Philippines: Why it is Choosing US Destruction Over Chinese Construction

Below- Historical and legal arguments on the South China Sea dispute from the Chinese perspective. CGTN 30 minute.

Sovereignty at Stake: A documentary on the South China Sea dispute

Elsewhere on this same Japanese politics thread, it was noted that a new right wing meme in Japanese social media says Abe told Trump to turn his head. The imagery of Biden and the Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere is no joke, but reflects the reality of the US Japanese alliance. It is always assumed that Japan is the subordinate power being forced to follow the US lead. This is a convenient cover for LDP right wing national policy of rearmament and becoming "great again."

Note- amended this 7.15 at 17:50 to include image of Trump.

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