Thursday, June 6, 2024

Apres moi, le deluge

(Source: 뉴스TVCHOSUN yutube 6.06.2024) '9·19 효력 정지' 다음날 뜬 B-1B, 7년 만에 한반도서 JDAM 투하. 지하 벙커까지 뚫는다. B-1B, which took off the day after the '9/19 suspension', dropped JDAM on the Korean Peninsula for the first time in 7 years. It (JDAM) penetrates an underground bunker.

This "war porn" as I call it, has been running non-stop for a couple of days in South Korea media. On some live feeds ramping up the war fever is virtually 24-7 (KBS, SBS, Yonhap). No doubt it's an extreme effort to bolster President Yoon's faltering public support after the disastrous April 10, elections. He hasn't changed his arbitrary authoritarian ways and his popularity continues to drop. There are other aspects to his domestic political crisis, which I won't bother to go into here. This is my critique of the ramp up in military exercises in South Korea, the recent formal rejection of the 9.19.2018 military agreement between North and South Korea, and the reintroduction of so called strategic assets by the US inside and around North Korea. Military firing exercises inside the former agreed buffer zones on either side of the military demarcation line, and Northern Limit Lines in the West and East Seas, are poorly conceived and highly counter-productive. The value pf practice strategic bombing runs is particularly ill considered. The balloon poop episodes from North Korea, were provoked by the Yoon administration and defector groups supported by US NGO's when they resumed shortly after "new right" President Yoon Seok-yeol assumed the presidential office in May 2022. It was clear during Yoon's campaign that he intended to dispose of the 9.19 military agreement negotiated by the prior Moon Jae-in administration.

(Source: YTN youtube 6.05.2024) 끝내 뽑힌 안전핀...최전방 배치 軍 '만반의 준비' Safety pin finally pulled out... Troop deployed to the front line 'fully prepared' Actually, in this report it is clear that live artillery/tank firing exercises by ROK ground forces took place within the former buffer zones earlier in January of this year. Interesting that the rejection of the 9.19 military agreement provisions by South Korea is referred to as pulling the pin in a hand grenade.

What is generally not understood is that the US strategic bombing threat, whether a decapitation strategy, or otherwise, is the exact reason why the development of nuclear weapons occurred in North Korea. In fact, nothing could be more deliberately calculated to create the exact response from the North, the allies ostensibly seek to prevent, namely further production of more advanced nuclear weapons and delivery systems. Thae Yong-ho has pointed out that the North Korean command and control system is now a doomsday machine or dead hand nuclear deterrent. Even if the central command bunker were destroyed, other commanders would be authorized to launch nuclear weapons. The myth of the "decapitation" strategy is that there is one leader carrying around a suitcase with a "button" in it to launch nuclear war. As Daniel Ellsberg explains in his Doomsday Machine, in nuclear theory this has never been a practical reality. It may have been at one time, in the process of developing a nuclear deterrent in each nuclear armed state, but it is mostly a political myth. No nuclear power presents only one or a few nuclear command centers to make it easy for the prospective enemy to eliminate their deterrent force. This is why some even hard right analysts realize that "bloody nose" and "decapitation" strategies are delusional and dangerous. There is no tactic, technology or military strategy to resolve the North Korean crisis, aggravated by "maximum pressure" and the failure to pursue diplomatic solutions. Dr. Hecker observed, in his book Hinge Points, that the neo-cons who wrecked nuclear talks at critical "hinge points" with North Korea, don't even understand the technical aspects of the harm they've done and increased risks to world peace they themselves created with their obstruction of US negotiations with North Korea.

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