Friday, September 25, 2020

가야지 I Must Go

박범훈 곡 (Pak Beom-hun music) /김영임 노래 (Kim Yong-im lyrics)

가야지~ 가야지~~ 꽃 피고 새 울면 나는 가야지
I must go, I must go, as the flowers bloom and birds cry
산 넘고 물을 건너서 혼자 가야지
Crossing over the mountains, and crossing the waters, alone I must go
꽃이피면 꽃에서 자고 바람불면 바람에 자고
If flowers bloom, I sleep among them, when the wind blows I sleep in the wind,
머나먼 길 울며 불며 혼자 가야지
The distant path cries and calls, I must go
우리 절 부처님은 마음씨도 좋아
Our season in Buddha's spirit is good
오냐 오냐 잘가라고 나무~ 아미~ 타~불 아~~~
Come, Come and go well, Buddha bring peace to my soul

가야지~ 가야지~~ 꽃 피고 새 울면 나는 가야지~
I must go, I must go, as the flowers bloom and birds cry
산 넘고 물을 건너서 혼자 가야지~
Crossing over the mountains, and crossing the waters, alone I must go
속절없는 세상살이 소리없이 지고마는
Inevitably, life of this world, without sound, sets and finishes
꽂잎처럼 훠이~ 훠이~ 홀로 가야지~
Like the leaves of a flower, go! go! I must go
우리 절 부처님은 마음씨도 좋아
Our season in Buddha's spirit is good
오냐 오냐 잘가라고 나무~ 아미~ 타~불 아~~~
Come, Come and go well, Buddha bring peace to my soul

Saw a beautiful performance by Bohyun Seunim (monk) of I Must Go on a S.Korean interview program. Hoped to capture the essence of the song in the translation.* How does a song about death and the impermanence of life provide comfort? This is something Bohyun Seunim tried to explain in her interview. It is not dwelling on fate or as sadness, but to provide comfort. As a top musical performer with an aspiring career 27 years ago, how is that she gave up the interests of the material world for the asceticism of the temple? It was her path (My Way), After many years she returned to performing to provide comfort for charitable benefits.

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