Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Both siderism in analysis of the Yoon administration.

(Source- 열린공감TV youtube, composite photo from Yeollin Gonggam TV) Pictured First Lady, Kim Gon-hee(left), Yoon Seok-yeol (center) and Kim's mother Choi Eun-soon (right)

South Koreans are dissatisfied with Yoon's pro-Japanese policies. Yoon reduced the budget for alzheirmer's patients, and also RandD. He's used millions for his wasteful move of the presidential office to the old MND building and the new presidential residence in Hannan dong. Yet, he now wants to use the Blue House whenever he wants. The added burden on police caused by the move contributed to the Itaewon disaster in which 159 young people died by being crushed in a crowd. Yoon's clique of prosecutors persecute critics of Yoon, his wife, and his mother in law. Yoon has always had a dictatorial personality. He is an admirer of the former dictator Chun Doo-hwan.

Prosecutors in Yoon's clique frame political opponents with false witnesss testimony and constant leaks of false accusations against the accused to Yoon's conservative media supporters who dutifully publish to defame the critics of authoritarian pro-Japanese rule. Known as press prosecution collusion (검언유착) it is directed against the political opposition and independent media. Yoon also oppresses labor unions, and is taking control of otherwise non-partisan government institutions and agencies by staffing them MB retreads and unqualified former prosecutors. Like most dictators, he's trying to rewrite history, to make Japan and South Korea's dictators the good guys. If he doesn't start another war with North Korea it will only be luck. Yoon and his new right supporters label all critics and opposition "anti-state enemies" and stooges of North Korean. According to Yoon human rights advocates fall into this category.

Above all, Yoon is incompetent. He's had no prior military, foreign policy, or political experience prior to his election to the South Korean presidency. He has no domestic program whatever and spends as much time overseas as possible. Almost all of his cabinet appointees were disapproved by the National Assembly. Unfortunately, that doesn't matter under South Korea's constitution, he appointed them anyway. Anyone, who wants to "both sider" the problem with South Korea's Yoon administration today, doesn't really understand Korean politics, history or Yoon. Does any South Korean president have a worse economic record than Yoon? Yoon's wife had a government minister move a planned expressway interchange closer to real estate her family owns. She and her mother have been implicated in multiple real estate fraud schemes. While people suffer under the bad economy, she purchases jewelry and clothing costing tens of thousands of dollars or more on Yoon's overseas junkets. As far as the Daejangdong scandal goes Yoon is the one who overlooked the Pusan Savings Bank scandal which provided the seed money for the Daejangdong development. So far, after two years, over three hundred warrants, and several ongoing investigations, hundreds of thousands of pages of evidence, there is no tangible proof of any wrongdoing by Lee Jae-myung, the democratic party leader. The scanty evidence against him is mostly from improperly induced perjured statements elicited by prosecutors, from people subject to prosecution themselves and under duress. Trying to pin Daejangdong corruption on Lee is a classic case of Yoon projection and conservative mainstream media misdirection to cover his own misdeeds. He has been disciplined twice for unethical conduct as a prosecutor (it took him nine tries to pass the bar exam). He is a heavy drinker known to drop three thousand dollars in a single night of partying. There is a lack of transparency for his offices' rather large office account expenditures. The claim is that receipts are either no longer available or if available cannot be released due to "security reasons." Get real.

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