Monday, February 13, 2023

When did it begin?

(Source- 롯본기 김교수 live, youtube 11.9) 문재인 윤석열 충격적인 관계! 언제부터 윤석열과 친분을 유지했을까? 언제부터 적폐세력과 한몸이 됐을까? 윤대진한동훈노무현강금원안희정통일은 대박이다! "When did it begin? When did Moon (lower left) join with the corrupt special interests? (Yoon Seok-yeol's long time friend) Yoon Tae-jin (center, pink tie), Han Dong-hun, No Moo-hyun administration (targeted) Kang Geum-won, and Ahn Hee-jung. Amazing!" They joined together to obstruct the reform agenda of the No Moo-hyun administration. Yoon Tae-jin, Yoon Seok-yeol's long time colleague worked with Moon Jae-in when Moon was Secretary for Civil Affairs in the No Moo-hyun administration.*

Kang Geum-won, (pictured above Yoon Tae-jin in the graphic) President No Moo-hyun's (picture top above host) closest friend and his political aide, described as No's right hand, and Ahn Hee-jung, No's "left hand," (picture blue background, face partially covered) were targeted by Yoon Tae-jin for prosecuton by Yoon Seok-yeol to disable the reform agenda of No Moo-hyun. Even after No Moo-hyun's suicide, prosecution of his family members continued. What did Moon do? (lower left) The graphic from the video itelf and "professor Kim's" presentation appear to be the Rosetta stone for cracking the mystery of why Moon Jae-in appointed Yoon as Prosecutor General in his own administration when he devastated democratic reform with politically targeted prosecutions and blocked prosecutions of friends, family, and cronies.

(Source- OhMyTV Koo Yeong-shik special report, 01.30.22) Yoon and wife, Kim Gon-hee, present for a meeting convened by then President Moon Jae-in at the Blue House. Cho Guk, (far left) a cabinet member, Civil Affairs Secretary at the time, their future victim, sat next to Yoon at the meeting. In this screen capture Cho, Yoon and Kim Gon-hee are standing together.

Later, Yoon Seok Yeol, Han Dong-hun, and then prime minister Lee Nak-hyun played a similar role in the Moon administration. After Moon appointed Cho Guk Justice Minister, Yoon began his prosecutions to destroy Cho Guk and his family politically, as a potential presidential contender, and also to block his legal reforms aimed at stripping away excessive prosecution powers. Those powers were still being used by Yoon to persecute politicians related to the democracy movement and to protect his family and cronies involved in scandals. The thesis is Moon Jae-in was a wolf in sheep's clothing, and Yoon's clique was his tool on behalf of chaebol (corporate) interests. This relationship began many years earlier and is documented in the 2.09.23 live Kim Kyo su 김교수 video.* (he calls himself Professsor Kim).

Yet, since Moon's retirement from presidential office, he has been threatened by people connected to the Yoon presidential office. Prosecutors suggested they would investigate Moon's wife for receiving jewelry and expensive clothes and misuse of a credit card. This was similar to a tactic used against previous president No Moo-hyun which ultimately drove him to suicide. Nothing came of the threats of prosecution against Moon and his family so far. At one point Moon thanked President Yoon in a phone call, for letting him retire in peace, after a court order upheld an ordinance passed to keep right wing demonstrators 300m away from his home, and forcing unruly demonstrators to conform to city codes on noise. A few of the demonstrators were arrested. Moon recently said he will run a bookstore during his retirement.

Moon, appears to have been the equivalent of Bill Clinton, or Joe Biden, in presidential politics. Democrat in name only, DINO, is referred to as soobak 수박 (watermelon) in Korean, blue on the outside, red on the inside (the respective party campaign colors, blue equals democratic, red equals conservative).

*Link to "Professor Kim's" youtube on this topic-

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