Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Direct tie between Yoon's office and goon squad harassment of retired president?

(Source- 서울의소리 Voice of Seoul youtube 7.12)
욕설 패륜 유튜버 안정권 친누나 '안수경' 대통령 홍보수석실 근무 확인*

Principal in the organization of demos outside former president Moon Jae-in's private residence in Yangsan is radical social media performer, Ahn Jeong-gwan. His sister works in the PR office of President Yoon Seok-yeol. Some of the demonstrators appear to have been taegguki paramilitary types. The demos are characterized by foul language and libelous accusations broadcast at high volume on loudspeakers in excess of local noise ordinances. Lawsuits on behalf of residents in the commuunity filed in court reported that local residents could not sleep and were suffering adverse psychological effects. Police have restricted the demonstrations after the demonstraters continued to violate time and sound limits on their activities. Yoon publicly defended their activities. Ironically, Yoon tried almost immediately after his inauguration to prohibit assemblies entirely on Itaewanno in front of the newly designated presidential office on the Yongsan military base.The court struck down the prohibition in favor of reasonable time, place and manner restrictions.

Yoon's comment supporting the demonstrators' "rights" in Yangsan outside Moon Jae-in's home, had a vindictive quality implying that if people can demonstrate near his office or residence, then demonstrators should be able to violate time, place and mannr restrictions placed on them by local ordinances enforced by police and court relative to the former president's community. A few of Yoon's own party members have expressed disapproval of the Yangsan demonstrations (including Prime Minister Han Duk-soo). There is simply no comparison between the lawful behavior of the limited demonstrations outside the presidential office venue and the raucus, vulgar and invasive behavior in the former president's community. There police initiated restrictions on demonstrators when they failed to comply with local laws. (Korea Times reported 7.13 that democratic supporters of Moon Jae-in have been conducting noisy demonstrations near Yoon's private luxury apartment building in Seocho, Seoul, and residents there have complained about the loud noise.) Former military members with training in pscyhological warfare or other related training will recognize the sleep deprivation, sound abuse tactics used by the demonstrators in Yangsan. So did the court. Representatives of Yoon's office denied a presidential office connection to the radical video streamer Ahn Jeong-gwan; but pictures of him and his sister have been published connecting her to the far right youtube attention seeker. The presidential office stated his activities were not related to her official duties. After the denials there was a report that she tendered her resignation.

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ5Z7yAUhUo&t=39s

(Source- 언론 알아야 바꾼다 youtube 7.12)
Yoon's disapproval rating of 60.8 percent reaches new high, according to KSOI poll for July 8-9. Support for Yoon reaches new low.

Update 7.13- This Voice of Seoul report shows a picture of Yoon's presidential office employee sitting with her brother Ahn Jeong-hwan as invited guests at President Yoon's inauguration ceremony on the grounds of the National Assembly undermining the credibility of presidential office denials of any connection to the offensive nature of demonstrations near Moon Jae-in's private home.

'서울의소리 계정 폭파 배후' 안정권 누나, 대통령실 근무 사실 알려진지 하루만에 사표
'대통령실 "안 씨, 안정권 활동 관여 사실 없다" 주장.. 하지만 안정권, 대통령 취임식 특별 초청장 받기도해'
윤재식 기자 | 기사입력 2022/07/13 [01:26]

Update 7.14 Allegedly, the tie to Presidential Office was established through Kim Gon-hee. Ahn Jeong-gwan had been done promotional work and video for Yoon with Kim Gon-hee's "aunt" who allegedly is a minister. The latter produced a video The Lord's Person about Yoon Seok-yeol. Ahn and his sister had a number of youtube channels (promoting Yoon). On one of these channels a private black and white photo of Yoon and his wife apppeared purportedly showing them at their wedding May 18, 2012. 5.18 of course, is the commemoration day for the Gwangju massacre.
안정권 누나와 김건희의 충격적인 관계

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