Tuesday, November 30, 2021

"Bro" Seok-yeol

(Source- 언론 알아야 바꾼다 youtube 11.30) Five gaffe's from Yoon Seok-yeol before he was selected by the "People's Power Party" to be their candidate for president of South Korea in the March 2022 election. Top left "But for its early emergence in Daegu, the covid pandemic would have resulted in a rebellion." Left bottom: "People must be able to work close to 120 hours a week." Right starting at top: "No radiation leaked from Fukushima;" "Poor people should be able to buy defective goods;" and "Feminism made politics worse."

After becoming known as "gaffe a day" Yoon, also styled as another day, another Yoon gaffe (망언) Yoon's political handlers tried to get him under positive control. Yet he went on to praise the former dictator Chun Doo-hwan in another public appearance, and then was forced to go to Kwangju and make a stilted and insincere apology to the people there, where Chun had massacred hundreds in 1980. After his appearance there, his spouse Kim Gon-hee, posted a series of sarcastic and disrectful respectful images and comments on Yoon's online account* to lampoon the "forced apology."

*Yoon Seok-yeol's "apple" apology and the Chun Doo-hwan dictatorship https://civilizationdiscontents.blogspot.com/2021/10/yoon-seok-yeols-apple-apology-and-chun.html

Yoon's handlers have been unable to gain control of Yoon's disastrously mismanaged campaign appearances which since have been recorded on video. In one episode recorded in a scheduled Yoon presentation on television, Yoon appeared onstage to give a speech, and stood nervously on the stage in the studio before a live audience for a full two minutes after his introduction, without saying a word, because the teleprompter was not displaying his speech. Even after the news media program host prompted Yoon to begin his presentation, he stood there saying nothing.

In another video recorded presentation, before a select body of students from Seoul University, one of the most prestigious educational institutions in South Korea, Yoon was fed softball questions from his "hoobae" ( 후배 junior) that had nothing to do with the pressing issues facing the Korean younger generation today. This revealed the "gold spoon" character of his audience of elite students from his alma mater. Yoon was wearing a colorful name tag for the occasion with his identity given as Seok-yeol eui hyung, ( 석열의 형 ) which translates as Bro Seok-yeol, an appellation no doubt designd to endear him to the young voters. In the embarrassing highlight of the event, Yoon was asked a question arising from the Chinese classics of the three kingdoms period. The question was who is your favorite character from the period? Yoon was nonplussed for some moments, twitched nervously, and then finally not knowing what to say, mentioned Russian history and started talking about the movie Dr. Zhivago. Needless to say this glaring lapse, brought up references by his critics to Yoon's notorious nine tries before he passed the Korean bar exam. The American equivalent of Yoon's performance would be if a college graduate had been asked who is their favorite character from Greek ancient history and not being able to name even one person from that period and add a sentence or two to say something positive about them. So the critical commentary is to the effect, is it possible that a person this ignorant, is considered suitable to become president of South Korea? Yoon at one point in his early campaign had made a derogatory comment about liberal arts education.

These embarrassing events, much like the emperor's new clothes, have for the most part gone unnoticed in the conservative media in South Korea. They are widely reported by independent media and discussed on social media. The latest installment in Yoon's ongoing campaign farce, was his non-appearance at a later youth media event designed to capture the hearts of the politically independent, frustrated and dissatisfied young voters who will decide the election. At first the live online event was said to have been postponed temporarily because of other events. For a period of 24 minutes, participants in the online event posted sarcastic comments about the teleprompter being broken, Yoon being unable to memorize his answers, and other critical remarks about his probable fear of the event. Apparently, he never showed up.

In another recent appearance to enhance "Bro Seok-yeol's" image with the younger generation, Yoon arrived at an event for aspiring new artists at the Seoul Art Center. Yoon arrived in a phalanx of bodyguards to visit the gallery. Some independent journalists had gotten wind of the event, and waited by the entrance to enter the lobby of the gallery which is open to the public to see if they could question Yoon. They were pushed aside by the bodyguards. One of the journalists kept asking Yoon why his spouse, Kim Gon-hee, wasn't present. She allegedly is a Ph.D. level expert in the arts, and organizes art exhibits for corporate sponsors for large commissions. Yoon blew off the question saying she was busy with other things. When the journalist persisted he was pushed aside while being repeatedly told "don't ask useless questions." The journalist who had a camera man with him, persisted, and was ultimately pushed back and kicked in the groin a couple of times by an unofficial "bodyguard" who wore a uniform type shirt with a label stitched on it saying "Patriot Patrol." Inside the gallery, Yoon posed for the cameras, contemplating an abstract painting in the gallery while his PR team moved the young people to stand next to him like mannequin props.

The police were called to do an investigation of the circumstances surrounding the assault and battery on the reporter, allegedly by someone who wasn't part of Yoon's official bodyguard detail. The reporter assaulted worked for 열린공감TV an independent investigative journalism organization that presents evidence concerning alleged corruption and fraud revolving around Yoon's wife and mother in law, and reports of alleged unlawful conduct of Yoon and his former close associates from South Korea's prosecutors' offices.*

See: South Korea: Yoon family cartoons, https://civilizationdiscontents.blogspot.com/2021/11/yoon-family-cartoons.html

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