Thursday, September 19, 2019

About Andrew Yang

Andrew Yang is a Chinese-American campaigning to be the Democratic Party's candidate for President of the United States. My point of reference is as an observer of politics in South Korea. I know the following analogy isn't on all fours but I suspect this is where Yang's notion of political maneuvering comes from or perhaps it is just developing this way as a result of similar world trends.

Andrew Yang reminds me of the technocratic no. 3 candidate in the last South Korean general election for president, Ahn Cheol-soo , from the "People's Party ( 국민의당 )." Ahn ended up with just over 21 percent of the South Korean vote for president. My perception is that the US press doesn't take Yang seriously because he's Asian-American. This is the stereo-typical American response to any Asian who asks to be taken seriously. Andrew Yang should be taken very seriously as a presidential candidate, even if one is not a Yang supporter. His anti-government, smart technocrats from the private sector (namely Andrew Yang) can do it better approach is a reaching out to the populist right clothed in a progressive disguise. This is similar to the centrist "new politics" of Ahn Cheol-soo in South Korea. New politics failed and moved to the right apart from its token democratic and progressive representations. Ahn's new political party is known as the "Righteous Future Party," ( 바른미래당 ). Ahn Cheol-soo claimed to be the Bernie Sanders of South Korea, and to hold FDR as his model of politics. He's really center right. Bernie Sanders is the Bernie Sanders of US politics. Moon Jae In is the Bernie Sanders of South Korean politics. Ahn Cheol-soo was a rich entrepreneur turned politician looking for new conquests.

Yang's relevant experience seems to be as an entrepreneur, community organizer and now as a campaigner. There is no question about his intelligence or ability. It's understandable why he received recognition from the Obama administration. Andrew seems too ambitious to run for the House or Senate first. He can only start at the top. Ahn Cheol-soo had more political experience before running for president of South Korea.

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